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[E] motilymoses
[E] motilymoses
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over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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I returned the sword and axe I took from the player I killed. No other items that truly belonged to the killed player were returned by me or a mod.
over 8 years ago
I returned all of the items I took. The reason I killed this player is because she was attempting to scam a person I was mining with.
over 8 years ago
Username: Motilymoses Date Banned: 6/21/16 Person who Banned you: Passmesomebacon Reason banned: stealing a pickaxe, harassing a player, lying to staff I believe I should be unbanned because I never did steal a pickaxe - it was mine the whole time. I also never harassed a player; I was just informing minetown players that the player I "harassed" was a scammer. I also never lied to staff. All I did was argue that the pickaxe I "stole" was actually mine. This is the true and therefore, I never lied. -Motilymoses
over 8 years ago